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We see ourselves as standing on this side of "the line drawn in the sand". The purpose of this website is nothing less than to bring about the full and complete restoration of the Vision of our Founding Fathers, without compromise, prayerfully, without succumbing to the exercising of Thomas Jefferson's painful suggestion of the watering of our Liberty Tree via the exercise of lawful remedy via our court system via enabling each and every one of you to have the knowledge and the confidence to engage seasoned attorneys and judges in court litigation. The first step in this matter is to deal with Predatory Debt Collectors whether they be the IRS, a credit card company or a bank foreclosing on your home or your business as well as vacating Judgments VOID for lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction.


Testimonial #2

I believe that the information he offers [ redacted pending log-in ] is of significant importance to any and all who choose to take issue with state or federal taxing authorities. After approximately nine years of study and research, I have come to the conclusion that almost nothing of what is being offered by the "tax" or "freedom" movements will cause the taxing agencies to cease and desist.
These agencies have not stopped because the arguments and strategies used by the movement are not effective, for whatever reason. The movement's been trying for years to show how the federal tax laws do not apply to us, to Americans (sovereign or nonresident alien status, on and on) instead of accepting the fact that tax law is in fact perfect, and that it does apply to us, to Americans. The tax laws provide numerous protections for the individual and it imposes strict limitations on the authority of taxing agencies.
I find it hard to believe that so many within the movement have missed what David is teaching. I have only been studying his materials for a few months, but even in such a short period of time I believe that he may have discovered the truth. He provides a very unique look at the Tax Code in a light that I have not previously experienced. His materials contain no hype or esoteric notions of issues that the courts have disposed of. His materials are teaching black letter law, supported by numerous and on-point case cites, and strategies that are designed to force the taxing agency personnel to comply with the limitations found in the law.
I always recommend that everyone investigate the facts for themselves. I challenge anyone to investigate David's work, in light of all else that exists on this subject, and to then deny the truth of its content.

G.H.California - 10/03


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